Why Small Talk Circus?

If you came to check out my work and have gotten this far, then just know that this space will give you an idea of how I tick. And hopefully it won’t scare you away! But yes, it’s another blog.

With the current saturation of blogs of commentaries, ideas, videos, photos, inspiration boards and such that exist in cyberspace – I know that this space may be overlooked. And I’m ok with that.

I chose to call this space ‘Small Talk Circus’ because it kinda reflects who I am, how I feel about life, and my overall experiences. I love getting to know people and knowing their stories. And frankly, sometimes this process starts with the thing that most people hate: small talk. I don’t mind it though. Small talk can lead to the most interesting conversations, or to some patience-testing moments. All in all, the challenge of getting beyond someone’s exterior and seeing them for who they really are is really a precious gift. It doesn’t always happen, and sometimes it takes a few go’s. Or sometimes the most unassuming detail about a person or that moment, may not be very significant in the grand scheme of things. However paths cross, words are exchanged, and hopefully you’ve made the most of the seconds that have passed.

And sometimes these moments make up my life and it feels like a circus. A very entertaining circus…

So with that, welcome to ‘Small Talk Circus’!